
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

And You Look Like One Too

It's true, I've got flannel, hoodies and polo shirts; jeans and cargo pants; Chuck Taylors and Biker Boots. Sometimes I have a buzz cut.

Most of the time I'm wearing a baseball cap. This is what I'm comfortable in and I don't give a fuck if I look like every other lesbian. In fact, I like looking like every other lesbian. I like that people can tell I'm a dyke.

Yes, I listen to the Indigo Girls. I have every one of their albums including Amy Ray's solo albums. I also listen to Gossip, Ani Difranco, MEN and other predictably "lesbian music."

I like the words "dyke" and "queer." I'm a lefty, liberal, socialist, atheist, environmentalist.

And I am unashamed and unapologetic.

This post was made possible by yet another stupid lesbian forum thread about "lesbian stereotypes" which always seem to try to shame lesbians that fit "the stereotype."

Friday, June 11, 2010

Capital Pride Ladies Jello Wrestling

Nothing says "Gay Pride" like ladies wrestling in Jello.

[via Washington Blade]

Friend BP Everywhere

It seems like everywhere I go there's a BP ad. And they really, really want to be my friend.

But what kind of friend wants you to listen to them, but doesn't want to listen to you?
The same kind that asks you if they can tie their horse and llama up in your backyard as a favor, and then lets them shit all over it without cleaning it up. I already have such a "friend", BP. I don't need anymore.