
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

And You Look Like One Too

It's true, I've got flannel, hoodies and polo shirts; jeans and cargo pants; Chuck Taylors and Biker Boots. Sometimes I have a buzz cut.

Most of the time I'm wearing a baseball cap. This is what I'm comfortable in and I don't give a fuck if I look like every other lesbian. In fact, I like looking like every other lesbian. I like that people can tell I'm a dyke.

Yes, I listen to the Indigo Girls. I have every one of their albums including Amy Ray's solo albums. I also listen to Gossip, Ani Difranco, MEN and other predictably "lesbian music."

I like the words "dyke" and "queer." I'm a lefty, liberal, socialist, atheist, environmentalist.

And I am unashamed and unapologetic.

This post was made possible by yet another stupid lesbian forum thread about "lesbian stereotypes" which always seem to try to shame lesbians that fit "the stereotype."

Friday, June 11, 2010

Capital Pride Ladies Jello Wrestling

Nothing says "Gay Pride" like ladies wrestling in Jello.

[via Washington Blade]

Friend BP Everywhere

It seems like everywhere I go there's a BP ad. And they really, really want to be my friend.

But what kind of friend wants you to listen to them, but doesn't want to listen to you?
The same kind that asks you if they can tie their horse and llama up in your backyard as a favor, and then lets them shit all over it without cleaning it up. I already have such a "friend", BP. I don't need anymore.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Queer Music: Makin' Gay Babies

Credit Card Babie$ by MEN

I love this song by MEN about the politics and money involved when gay people decide to have kids. It meets all my criteria for what makes an awesome song: it makes you move, makes you feel and makes you think.
"We want some options
There is a way
Why don't you adopt
Borrow someone's cock
Call up the bank
We all scream now

Is it really so hard to make a new heart
Sharing our love goes on a credit card
We put paper to pen and we ask all our friends
Big plans for a newborn gay creation"

Queer History - 1970: Butch Lesbian or Trans Man

I like to hunt around the web for pieces of queer history. This is what I found today.

In a 1970 Dear Abby, a parent can't accept her lesbian daughter. But, it's unclear if the daughter is in a relationship with a butch woman or a transgender man.
"Recently our 21 year old daughter came to us and told us that she was in love with another girl with whom she had been living for the past year. She said her roommate felt herself to be a "man imprisoned in a woman's body," and was contemplating a "Christine Jorgensen" operation in reverse." -Baffled and Brokenhearted Mother, The Milwaukee Sentinel - Dec 19, 1970
Interestingly, the mother refers to the famous openly transsexual woman, Christine Jorgensen, who underwent sex reassignment surgery in 1952. It's again unclear if the mother doesn't know what the proper term is, or can't bring herself to say it. But it's obvious the only ones confused are the parents.

Christine Jorgenson in the Aug, 1970 issue of "GAY":

For more on the article above, see this page on Queer Music Heritage.

Saturday, April 24, 2010